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This table is a standalone table and stores the data issues found while running the Pre-Migration Data Validation tool.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary Key

CoreDCID15.1.0Number(25,10)The source record’s unique identifier.
CoreTable15.1.0Varchar2(32)The source data Core table.
DateFormat00115.4.0Varchar2(50)Special date format to be used in migration, when applicable.
DestinationDataType15.1.0Varchar2(15)The data type for the database extended field.
DestinationField15.1.0Varchar2(32)The name of the database extended field.
DestinationLength15.1.0Number(11,0)If applicable, the length of the extended field.
Varchar2(4000)The value that will be entered into the extended field during the migration process.
ErrorCategory15.1.0Varchar2(20)The category associated with the validation error.
ErrorMessage15.6.0Varchar2(4000)Additional information about the validation error.
ExtTable15.1.0Varchar2(40)The name of the database extension table.
FieldSetName15.1.0Varchar2(4000)The pref for the field set selected on the Custom Field Data Migration page.
SourceField15.6.0Varchar2(100)The name of the source custom field.
SourceValue15.1.0Varchar2(4000)The source data from the custom field.
StatusValue15.1.0Varchar2(20)The status of the error record. This value only changes if you use the Pencil icon to update the error value.



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