This table is a standalone table and stores the data issues found while running the Pre-Migration Data Validation tool.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 15.1.0 | Number (10,0) | Primary Key |
CoreDCID | 15.1.0 | Number(25,10) | The source record’s unique identifier. |
CoreTable | 15.1.0 | Varchar2(32) | The source data Core table. |
DateFormat001 | 15.4.0 | Varchar2(50) | Special date format to be used in migration, when applicable. |
DestinationDataType | 15.1.0 | Varchar2(15) | The data type for the database extended field. |
DestinationField | 15.1.0 | Varchar2(32) | The name of the database extended field. |
DestinationLength | 15.1.0 | Number(11,0) | If applicable, the length of the extended field. |
DestinationValue | 15.1.0 | Varchar2(4000) | The value that will be entered into the extended field during the migration process. |
ErrorCategory | 15.1.0 | Varchar2(20) | The category associated with the validation error. |
ErrorMessage | 15.6.0 | Varchar2(4000) | Additional information about the validation error. |
ExtTable | 15.1.0 | Varchar2(40) | The name of the database extension table. |
FieldSetName | 15.1.0 | Varchar2(4000) | The pref for the field set selected on the Custom Field Data Migration page. |
SourceField | 15.6.0 | Varchar2(100) | The name of the source custom field. |
SourceValue | 15.1.0 | Varchar2(4000) | The source data from the custom field. |
StatusValue | 15.1.0 | Varchar2(20) | The status of the error record. This value only changes if you use the Pencil icon to update the error value. |