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This table is a stand alone table used to store information about student re-enrollments at other LEAs in the state. This table is available for all states/provinces and may or may not be utilized for your state/province.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key

DISTRICTOFRESIDENCE21.1.2VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)The district in which the student resides.
ENROLLMENTCODE21.1.2NUMBER(11,0)This field is not used.
ENROLLMENTTYPE21.1.2VARCHAR2(2 CHAR)This identifies the status of the enrollment record.
ENTRYCODE21.1.2VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)The entry code for the cross LEA enrolled student.
ENTRYCOMMENT21.1.2CLOBComment for entry.
ENTRYDATE21.1.2DATEThe date the student was cross LEA enrolled in the school. 
EXITCODE21.1.2VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)The exit code for the student's exit from the cross LEA enrollment.
EXITCOMMENT21.1.2CLOBComment for exit.
EXITDATE21.1.2DATEThe date the student was exited from the cross LEA enrollment.
FTEID21.1.2NUMBER(11,0)The id of the FTE for the student's enrollment. This is not a required field.
GRADE_LEVEL21.1.2NUMBER(11,0)The grade level of the student at the time of the enrollment.
LUNCHSTATUS21.1.2VARCHAR2(11 CHAR)Identifies the student's lunch status. Not currently populated.
MEMBERSHIPSHARE21.1.2NUMBER(25,10)Identifies the membership value for this student. Not currently populated.
SCHOOLID21.1.2NUMBER(11,0)The number of the school where the student is from.
STUDENTID21.1.2NUMBER(11,0)The student number of the student.
STUDENTSCHLENRL_GUID21.1.2VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)Not currently used.
TRACK21.1.2VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)The track that the student is on.
TUITIONPAYER21.1.2NUMBER(11,0)Indicates if the student pays tuition. Not currently used.
TYPE21.1.2NUMBER(11,0)Not currently used.
WITHDRAWAL_REASON_CODE21.1.2VARCHAR2(3 CHAR)The code for the student's reason for withdrawal.
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