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S_CONTACTS_S (ver 15.7.0)

This table is a standalone table and stores Contact demographic information. This Contact table is available for all states and provinces and might or might not be utilized for your state or province.

Column Name


Data Type


ID15.7.0Number(11,0)Primary Key
Cell_Phone15.7.0Varchar2(30)The contact's cell phone number.
Date_Of_Birth15.7.0DateThe contact's date of birth.
Employer15.7.0Varchar2(100)The contact's employer.
Employment_Status15.7.0Varchar2(30)The contact's employment status.
First_Name15.7.0Varchar2(75)The contact's first name.
Gender15.7.0Varchar2(50)The contact's gender.

The first line of the contact's home address.

Home_Address_215.7.0Varchar2(100)The second line of the contact's home address.
Home_Address_315.7.0Varchar2(100)The third line of the contact's home address.
Home_City15.7.0Varchar2(100)The contact's home city.
Home_Country15.7.0Varchar2(100)The contact's home country.
Home_County15.7.0Varchar2(100)The contact's home county.
Home_Phone15.7.0Varchar2(30)The contact's home phone number.
Home_Postal_Code15.7.0Varchar2(17)The contact's home postal code.
Home_State15.7.0Varchar2(50)The contact's home state.
Job_Title15.7.0Varchar2(100)The contact's job title.
Last_Name15.7.0Varchar2(75)The contact's last name.

The first line of the contact's mailing address.

Mailing_Address_215.7.0Varchar2(100)The second line of the contact's mailing address.
Mailing_Address_315.7.0Varchar2(100)The third line of the contact's mailing address.
Mailing_City15.7.0Varchar2(100)The contact's mailing city.
Mailing_Country15.7.0Varchar2(100)The contact's mailing country.
Mailing_County15.7.0Varchar2(100)The contact's mailing county.
Mailing_Postal_Code15.7.0Varchar2(17)The contact's mailing postal code.
Mailing_State15.7.0Varchar2(50)The contact's mailing state.
Middle_Name15.7.0Varchar2(75)The contact's middle name.
Oral_Language15.7.0Varchar2(50)The oral language spoken by the contact.
Personal_Email15.7.0Varchar2(254)The contact's personal email address.
Prefix15.7.0Varchar2(20)The prefix of the contact's name.
State_ContactNumber15.7.0Varchar2(32)The state assigned contact number.
State_ExcludeFromReporting15.7.0Number(1,0)Flag indicating if the contact is excluded from state and provincial reports.
Suffix15.7.0Varchar2(10)The suffix of the contact's name.
Work_Email15.7.0Varchar2(254)The contact's work email address.
Work_Phone15.7.0Varchar2(30)The contact's work phone number.
Written_Language15.7.0Varchar2(50)The written language of the contact.
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