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S_ADDITIONAL_DAYS_S (ver 17.4.1)

This table is a stand alone table used as part of the additional calendar days function. This table is available for all states and provinces and might or might not be utilized for your state or province.

 Column Name


Data Type


ID17.4.1Number(11,0)Primary Key
Year_ID17.4.1Number(11,0)The internal number for the School Year for Calendar Days with which this record is associated.
School_ID17.4.1Number(11,0)The internal number for the School ID with which this record is associated.
Date_Value17.4.1DateThe date of the Calendar Event.
Cycle_Day_ID17.4.1Number(11,0)The internal number for the Cycle Day ID with which this record is associated.
Bell_Schedule_ID17.4.1Number(11,0)The internal number for the Bell Schedule with which this record is associated.
Membership_Value17.4.1Number(25,10)The amount of a student's membership this school claims.
A17.4.1Number(11,0)Standard track names that can be used if students belong to a track and do not all attend school on the same dates.
B17.4.1Number(11,0)Standard track names that can be used if students belong to a track and do not all attend school on the same dates.
C17.4.1Number(11,0)Standard track names that can be used if students belong to a track and do not all attend school on the same dates.
D17.4.1Number(11,0)Standard track names that can be used if students belong to a track and do not all attend school on the same dates.
E17.4.1Number(11,0)Standard track names that can be used if students belong to a track and do not all attend school on the same dates.
F17.4.1Number(11,0)Standard track names that can be used if students belong to a track and do not all attend school on the same dates.
Type_ID17.4.1Number(11,0)Indicates the Type of Day, such as Holiday, In Session, or Not in Session.
Note17.4.1Varchar2(50)Comments that describe the schedule on this date, such as Half-Day, Holiday, or Spring Break.
Day_ID17.4.1Number(11,0)The internal number for the Day ID with which this record is associated.
InSession17.4.1Number(11,0)Indicates whether this day of the year is an actual school day.
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