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PowerSchool Ed-Fi Reporting Page

The PowerSchool Ed-Fi Reporting page presents data grouped first by transaction type (Download Data, Publish Data, and On Demand), and then by category. Within each category, one or more data views allow the user to inspect the key contents of the Ed-Fi data that has been downloaded or published to the state, and to manage and monitor the Ed-Fi publishing process.

The following table maps the PowerSchool Ed-Fi Reporting page data categories and views to their associated Ed-Fi resources. The remainder of the Ed-Fi Reference documentation follows a similar model with content presented in the order listed below.

CategoryData ViewEd-Fi Resource
Descriptors(State Codes)Downloaded Code Set SummaryDescriptor
 Downloaded Code Set ValuesDescriptor
Organization Setup      Local Education AgencieslocalEducationAgencies
Locations (Rooms)locations
Class PeriodsclassPeriods
Graduation PlansgraduationPlans
Organization Calendars  Session (Terms)sessions
Grading PeriodsgradingPeriods
Calendar DatescalendarDates
Organization Schedules  Course OfferingscourseOfferings
Bell SchedulesbellSchedules
Student DemographicsStudent Demographicsstudents
Student Enrollments Student SchoolstudentSchoolAssociation
Student District of ResidencestudentEducationOrganizationAssociations
ContactsStudent Contactsparent
Student AssociationsstudentParentAssociations
Staff DemographicsStaff Demographicsstaffs
Staff AssociationsStaff SchoolsstaffSchoolAssociation
Staff AssignmentsstaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation
Student Teacher SectionsStaff SectionsstaffSectionAssociation
Student SectionsstudentSectionAssociation
Student ProgramsStudent ProgramsstudentProgramAssociation
Student Special Ed ProgramsstudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociations
Student Title I Part A ProgramsstudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociations
Student Cohort AssociationstudentCohortAssociation
Staff Cohort AssociationstaffCohortAssociation
Student Discipline

Discipline IncidentdisciplineIncident
Student Discipline IncidentstudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation
Student Discipline ActiondisciplineAction
AttendanceDaily AttendancestudentSchoolAttendanceEvent
Section AttendancestudentSectionAttendanceEvent
Section Attendance TakensectionAttendanceTakenEvent
Student GradesStudent Gradesgrades
Student TranscriptsAcademic RecordsstudentAcademicRecords
Transcript CoursescourseTranscripts
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