This table is a standalone table and stores information related to publishing jobs. This table is available for all states/provinces and may or may not be utilized for your state/province.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The internal ID for the CST_PUBPUBLISHJOB record to which the record is associated. Required. (Default – Next value in CST_PUBPUBLISHJOB_SQ sequence) |
CST_PUBPROFILEID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The internal ID for the CST_PUBPROFILE record to which the record is associated. Required. |
CST_SUBDISTRICTSID | 15.9.3 | NUMBER(10,0) | The internal ID for the CST_SUBDISTRICTS record to which the record is associated. Required. (Default - 0) |
CST_PUBINTERXID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The internal ID for the CST_PUBINTERX record to which the record is associated. Required. |
CST_PUBLOGID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The internal ID for the CST_PUBLOG record to which the record is associated. |
DASHBOARDID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The internal ID for the dashboard record to which the record is associated. |
STATUS | 15.5.1 | CHAR(1) | The status of the publish job. Required. (i.e. ‘S’-Success, ‘F’-Failed, ‘P’-Pending) (Default - ‘P’ Pending) |
SCHOOLYEAR | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(4,0) | The external school year for the publish job. Required. |
RESOURCENAME | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(100) | The external resource name available on the ODS. Required. |
PUBLISHTYPE | 15.5.1 | CHAR(1) | The publish type. Required. (i.e. ‘P’-Post, ‘U’-Put, ‘A’-Patch, ‘G’-Get, ‘D’-Delete) |
JOBTYPE | 15.5.1 | CHAR(1) | The job type. Required. (i.e. ‘B’-Bulk, ‘T’-Transaction) |
BULKOPERATIONID | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(40) | The external bulk operation ID. |
INPROCESSSTATUS | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(4,0) | A status that provides more details once the job is in process. (i.e. 1-Find a job, 2-Stage validation files out of the DB onto the file system, 3-Validate payload file, 4-Create bulk operation session, 5-Deliver chunks (repeat as necessary), 6-Commit delivery (indicates all data has been sent), 7-Wait one second, 8-Get status of upload, 9-Wait, 10-Retrieve exception log, 11-Report exception log into database, 12-Report success to the database |
PUBLISHDATA | 15.5.1 | CLOB | The data ready to be published. |
NODEID | 15.9.3 | VARCHAR2(50) | The node ID of the node processing this publishing job. |