This table is a standalone table and stores organization information (Schools, SEAs, etc.) downloaded from the ODS. This table is available for all states/provinces and may or may not be utilized for your state/province.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The internal ID for the CST_PUBORGANIZATION record to which the record is associated. Required. (Default – Next value in CST_PUBORGANIZATION_SQ sequence) |
CST_PUBPROFILEID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The internal ID for the CST_PUBPROFILE record to which the record is associated. Required. |
SCHOOLYEAR | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(4,0) | The external school year for the download resource. Required. |
EDUORGID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The external education organization ID. Required. |
STATEORGID | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(60) | The external state organization ID. Required. |
INSTITUTIONTYPE | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(10) | The external type of institution. Required. |
NAMEOFINSTITUTION | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(75) | The external name of the institution. Required. |
SHORTNAME | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(75) | The external short name of the organization/institution. |
OPERATIONALSTATUS | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(200) | The external operational status of the organization/institution. |
WEBSITE | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(255) | The external website URL for the organization/institution. |
LOCALEDUCATIONAGENCYID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The external local education agency ID. |
STATEEDUCATIONAGENCYID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The external state education agency ID. |
EDUCATIONSERVICECENTERID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The external education service center ID. |
CATEGORYTYPE | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(200) | The external category type. |
SCHOOLTYPE | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(200) | The external school type. |
TITLEIPARTATYPE | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(200) | The external Title I Part A type. |
MAGNETSPECIALPROGRAMTYPE | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(200) | The external magnet special program type. |
ADMINFUNDINGCONTROLDESC | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(50) | The external admin funding control descriptor. |
ALTERNATEID | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(60) | The alternate ID for the organization. |
EXTERNALREFID | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(32) | The external reference ID. |
VERSION | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(32) | The external version. |