CST_PUBCOURSE (ver 15.5.1)
This table is a standalone table and stores course information downloaded from the ODS. Note: Each entry must have a unique CST_PUBPROFILEID, EDUORGID, SCHOOLYEAR, and CODE. This table is available for all states/provinces and may or may not be utilized for your state/province.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The internal ID for the CST_PUBCOURSE record to which the record is associated. Required. (Default – Next value in CST_PUBCOURSE_SQ sequence) |
CST_PUBPROFILEID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The internal ID for the CST_PUBPROFILE record to which the record is associated. Required. |
SCHOOLYEAR | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(4,0) | The external school year for a given course. Required. |
EDUORGID | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(19,0) | The external education organization ID for a given course. Required. |
CODE | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(60) | The external code for a given course. Required. |
TITLE | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(60) | The external title for a given course. Required. |
NUMBEROFPARTS | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(3,0) | The external number of parts for a given course. |
ACADEMICSUBJECTDESC | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(60) | The external academic subject descriptor for a given course. |
DESCRIPTION | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(300) | The external description for a given course. |
HSCOURSEREQUIREMENT | 15.5.1 | NUMBER(3,0) | The external HS course requirement for a given course. |
GPAAPPLICABLITYTYPE | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(60) | The external GPA applicability type for a given course. |
EXTERNALREFID | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(32) | The external reference ID for a given course. |
VERSION | 15.5.1 | VARCHAR2(32) | The external version for a given course. |