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Vaccine Dosage for Compliance

HEP B Vaccine

The HEP B vaccine compliance will be based on the following conditions:

  • Students with valid doses (or four regardless of spacing) will be considered compliant. Students will be non-compliant if minimum spacing requirements are not met.

  • Two dose option for adolescent students aged 11 through 15 years.

Note: Students have to comply with either of the above two cases to be in compliance.

Case 1: Regular HEP- B vaccine

The time interval between doses is as follows:

Dose Number


Dose 1

Min - At birth

Dose 2

Min - 1 Month (28 days) after Dose 1

Dose 3

Min - 2 Months (56 days) after Dose 2 AND at least 4 Months (112 days) after Dose 1

Dose 4

An additional dose is required if minimum spacing requirements are not met.

Case 2: Two Dose for Adolescents

The time interval between doses is as follows:

Dose Number


Dose 1

Min - After 11 years of age

Dose 2

Min - 4 months (112 days ) after Dose 1

Dose 3

Min - 2 Months (56 days) after Dose 2 AND at least 4 Months (112 days) after Dose 1

Dose 4

An additional dose is required if minimum spacing requirements are not met.

Note: After Dose 1 (or any dose) if the minimum spacings are met, the vaccine will show student is Compliant.

HEP A Vaccine

Students with two valid doses (or three regardless of spacing) are in compliance.

The time interval between doses is as follows:

Dose Number


Dose 1

Min - Not valid before 1st birthday

Dose 2

Min - 6 Months (168 days) after Dose 1

Dose 3

An additional dose is required if minimum spacing requirements are not met. No additional dose is required if the maximum date is exceeded, the student will be considered compliant.

Note: After Dose 1 (or any dose) if the minimum spacings are met, the vaccine will show student is Compliant.

HIB Vaccine

The vaccine is required for the students from infancy through 5 years of age.

The HIB vaccine compliance will be based on the following conditions:

  • The student is in compliance with the HIB vaccine if:

    • The student received a dose on or after 15 Months of age OR

    • The student received two doses on or after 12 Months of age with a minimum interval of twp Months.

  • Students with three Valid doses (or four regardless of spacing) are in compliance.

The time interval between doses is as follows:

Dose Number


Dose 1

  • 6 weeks through 59 Months of age

  • Min - 6 weeks after the birth date

Dose 2

  • Six weeks through 11 Months of age

    • Min - 1 Month (28 days) after Dose 1

  • 12 Months through 14 Months of age

    • Min - 2 Months (28 days) after Dose 1

  • 15 Months through 59 Months of age

    • Min - 2 Months after Dose 1

Dose 3

  • Six weeks through 11 Months of age

    • Min - Not valid for compliance if received before 12 Months of age.

  • 12 Months through 59 Months of age

    • Min - 2 Months after Dose 2 (Not valid for compliance if received before 12 Months of age).

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