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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-219940Alaska Classified Staff Accounting and Alaska Certified Staff Accounting Reports - Updates

Additional Reference: PSSR-223963
Alaska Classified Staff Accounting Report: Version 1.0
Alaska Certified Staff Accounting Report: Version 1.2

A new Classified Staff Accounting report has been added with all the new fields required by the state.

The existing Classified Staff Accounting report is now correctly named as the Certified Staff Accounting report. Additionally, the report is updated to include staff assignments during the current school year regardless of when the assignment started.

PSSR-233906Data Collection Updates for Classified Staff Accounting

The Staff Assignments page has been updated with the following:

  • A new Minimum Qualifications field (S_AK_USR_X.MinQua) has been added with the following options:
    • X - Not applicable (Note: default value)
    • 1 - Associate’s degree (or higher)
    • 2 - Two years of college credit
    • 3 - Paraprofessional Standard Checklist & Parapro test.
    • 6 - On a paraprofessional plan
    • 7 - Does not meet qualifications
    • 8 - Determination Pending
    • 9 - None of the above
  • If S_AK_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C.AssignmtType = Certified, then the existing numeric options display in the S_AK_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C.JobCode list.
  • If S_AK_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C.AssignmtType = Classified, then the Classified options below display in the S_AK_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C.JobCode list.
    • Classified Options:
      • AS - Administrative Support Staff
      • OA - Officials and Administrators
      • SS - Teaching and Administrative Support Staff
      • OS - Misc/Other Staff
      • CN - Classified Nurse
  • If S_AK_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C.AssignmtType = Paraprofessional, then the Paraprofessional options below display in the S_AK_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C.JobCode list.
    • Paraprofessional Options:
      • I - Instructional
      • C - Computer
      • P - Parental involvement
      • L - Library
      • T - Translator
      • S - SPED Interpreter
      • A - SPED Personal Care Assistants
PSSR-223920Fall OASIS Updates

Alaska Fall Oasis Report: Version 2.4
The Alaska Fall Oasis Report has been updated to output Y only for rows corresponding to enrollments that overlap October 1 of the selected school year (instead of all rows) for students that have the IEP in Place (at this school) on October 1 field set to Y.

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