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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-24649020-21 Fall OASIS Data Collection Updates

The following Data Collection updates are available to support 20-21 Fall OASIS reporting:
New Field

  • Path: Start page> [select student]> State / Province AK> Fall OASIS
  • Path: Start page> [select student]> State / Province AK> Demographics
  • ArmedForces_PGOct1 column added to table S_AK_STU_X.
  • Field name 'Was the Parent/Guardian in the Armed Forces on Oct 1st?' added to Fall OASIS page and the Demographics pages.
  • Validation has been put in place to make sure so that ArmedForces_PGOct1 cannot be N if the ActiveDuty_PGOct1 field is Y.

Language Type Code Description Updates

  • Path: Start page> [select student]> State / Province AK> Fall OASIS> Bilingual/EL Language Type
  • Path: Start page> [select student]> State / Province AK> English Learner> Bilingual/EL Language Type
  • 'Aleut (includes Alutiiq, Sugcestun, and Unangan' updated to 'Aleut (Sugcestun, and Unangan)
  • 'Yup'ik (includes all dialects: Central Yup'ik, Cup'ik, and Siberian Yup'ik)' updated to 'Yup'ik (includes all dialects: Alutiiq (Sigpiaq), Central Yup'ik, Cup'ik, and Siberian Yup'ik)'

Education Environment Code Category Updates

  • Path: Start page> [select student]> State / Province AK> Fall OASIS> Special Education Environment
  • Path: Start page> [select student]> State / Province AK> Special Ed> Special Education Placement
  • New Category Header: Codes for children ages 3-5 not in kindergarten only
  • New Category Header: Codes for children ages 5 in kindergarten -21 only
PSSR-24649120-21 Fall OASIS Report Updates

AK Fall Oasis Report: Version 2.5

A new column 'ArmedForces' is added to the Fall OASIS report output and it appears after the 'ActiveDuty' element.

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