S_AK_STU_X (ver 14.1.0)
This is an extension of the Students table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 14.1.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary Key |
SHSEQ | 14.1.0 | Varchar2(10) | Identifying Code for Migrant Student System Exchange. |
AA_Math | 14.4.0 | Varchar2(1) | Alternate Assessment for Math. |
AA_Read | 14.4.0 | Varchar2(1) | Alternate Assessment for Reading. |
AA_Science | 14.4.0 | Varchar2(1) | Alternate Assessment for Science. |
AA_Writing | 14.4.0 | Varchar2(1) | Alternate Assessment for Writing. |
academicOption | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Academic option-APS eligible Students only. Migrated from [Students.ak_academicOption]. |
AccommodatedMath | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Accommodated Math. Migrated from [Students.ak_AccommodatedMath]. |
AccommodatedReading | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Accommodated Reading. Migrated from [Students.ak_AccommodatedReading]. |
AccommodatedScience | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Accommodated Science. Migrated from [Students.ak_AccommodatedScience]. |
AccommodatedWriting | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Accommodated Writing. Migrated from [Students.ak_AccommodatedWriting]. |
ActiveDuty_PG | 15.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | PartRate ActiveDuty. |
ActiveDuty_PGOct1 | 16.9.6 | Varchar2(1) | Active Duty Parent/Guardian on Oct 1st. |
AlternateAssessment | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Alternate Assessment. Migrated from [Students.ak_AlternateAssessment]. |
ATI_LanguageArts | 15.3.0 | Number(10,0) | PartRate ATILangArts. |
ATI_Math | 15.3.0 | Number(10,0) | PartRate ATIMath. |
ATI_Science | 15.3.0 | Number(10,0) | PartRate ATIScience. |
CareerEligibility | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Career Performance Scholarship Eligibility. Migrated from [Students.ak_CareerEligibility]. |
CCRA | 15.10.0 | Varchar2(5) | State-Paid CCRA. |
CCRA | 15.10.0 | Varchar2(5) | State-Paid CCRA. |
CollegiateEligibility | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Collegiate Performance Scholarship Eligibility. Migrated from [Students.ak_CollegiateEligibility]. |
concentrator | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Concentrator. Migrated from [Students.ak_concentrator]. |
CurriculumMet | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Performance Scholarship Curriculum Requirements Met. Migrated from [Students.ak_CurriculumMet]. |
disability_code | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Disability. Migrated from [Students.ak_disability_code]. |
disability_entry | 15.7.0 | Date | Last Disability Entry Date. Migrated from [Students.ak_disability_entry]. |
disability_exit | 15.7.0 | Date | Last Disability Exit Date. Migrated from [Students.ak_disability_exit]. |
displaced_homemaker | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Displaced Homemaker. Migrated from [Students.ak_displaced_homemaker]. |
dualEnrolled | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Dual Enrollment. Migrated from [Students.ak_dualEnrolled]. |
econ | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Economically Disadvantaged. Migrated from [Students.ak_econ]. |
education_placement | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Special Education Placement. Migrated from [Students.ak_education_placement]. |
ELPNotAssessed | 14.6.0 | Number(10,0) | ELP Not Assessed Reason. |
ExcLAPart | 15.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | PartRate ExcLAPart. |
ExcLAPerf | 15.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | PartRate ExcLAPerf. |
FallOASISMembership | 14.12.0 | Number(10,0) | Fall Oasis Membership Override. |
FAYSchool | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | FAY - School. Migrated from [Students.ak_FAYSchool]. |
FAY_District | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | FAY - District. Migrated from [Students.ak_FAY_District]. |
First9grade | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(10) | Student Initial Ninth Grade Entry Year. Migrated from [Students.ak_First9grade]. |
fte | 15.7.0 | Number(25,10) | Primary Enrollment FTE. Migrated from [Students.ak_fte]. |
FTE2 | 14.10.1 | Number(25,10) | Secondary FTE for Dual Enrolled Students. |
FYIExRPart | 14.4.0 | Varchar2(1) | FYI Exclusion from Reading Participation. |
FYIExRPerf | 14.4.0 | Varchar2(1) | FYI Exclusion from Reading Performance. |
FYIExWPart | 14.4.0 | Varchar2(1) | FYI Exclusion from Writing Participation. |
FYIExWPerf | 14.4.0 | Varchar2(1) | FYI Exclusion from Writing Performance. |
grad_date | 15.7.0 | Date | Actual Graduation Date. Migrated from [Students.ak_grad_date]. |
GroupName | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(30) | Group Name. Migrated from [Students.ak_GroupName]. |
homeless | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Homeless Student. Migrated from [Students.ak_homeless]. |
homeless_residence | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Homeless Student's Primary Nighttime Residence. Migrated from [Students.ak_homeless_residence]. |
iep_july | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | IEP in Place on July 1. Migrated from [Students.ak_iep_july]. |
iep_oct | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | October 1 Children with Disabilities Child Count. Migrated from [Students.ak_iep_oct]. |
immigrant | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Immigrant Student. Migrated from [Students.ak_immigrant]. |
immigrant_entry | 15.7.0 | Date | Immigrant Student - First U.S. School Entry Date. Migrated from [Students.ak_immigrant_entry]. |
intensive_funding | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Intensive Level of Funding. Migrated from [Students.ak_intensive_funding]. |
IsTitle1ACareerTech | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Title IA Targeted Assistance Services - Vocational/Career. Migrated from [Students.ak_IsTitle1ACareerTech]. |
IsTitle1AGuidance | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Title IA Targeted Assistance Services - Supporting Guidance/Advocacy. Migrated from [Students.ak_IsTitle1AGuidance]. |
IsTitle1AHealthServices | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Title IA Targeted Assistance Services - Health, Dental, Eye Care.Migrated from [Students.ak_IsTitle1AHealthServices]. |
IsTitle1AMath | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Title IA Targeted Assistance Services - Mathematics. Migrated from [Students.ak_IsTitle1AMath]. |
IsTitle1AOtherInstructional | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Title IA Targeted Assistance Services - Other Instructional Services.Migrated from [Students.ak_IsTitle1AOtherInstructional]. |
IsTitle1AOtherSupport | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Title IA Targeted Assistance Services - Other Support Services.Migrated from [Students.ak_IsTitle1AOtherInstructional]. |
IsTitle1AReadingLa | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Title IA Targeted Assistance Services - Reading/Language Arts.Migrated from [Students.ak_IsTitle1AReadingLa]. |
IsTitle1AScience | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Title IA Targeted Assistance Services - Science. Migrated from [Students.ak_IsTitle1AScience]. |
IsTitle1ASocStud | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Title IA Targeted Assistance Services - Social Studies. Migrated from [Students.ak_IsTitle1ASocStud]. |
LAParticipation | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | FYI - Exclude from Language Arts Participation. Migrated from [Students.ak_LAParticipation]. |
LAPerformance | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | FYI - Exclude from Language Arts Performance. Migrated from [Students.ak_LAPerformance]. |
lep | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | LEP Student. Migrated from [Students.ak_lep]. |
LEPAccommodated | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | ak_LEPAccommodated. Migrated from [Students.ak_LEPAccommodated]. |
lep_entry | 15.7.0 | Date | Last LEP Entry Date. Migrated from [Students.ak_lep_entry]. |
lep_exit | 15.7.0 | Date | Last LEP Exit Date. Migrated from [Students.ak_lep_exit]. |
lep_former | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Former LEP Student Academic Progress. Migrated from [Students.ak_lep_former]. |
lep_lang | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Bilingual/LEP Language Type. Migrated from [Students.ak_lep_lang]. |
MAPerformance | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Recently Arrived-LEP: Exclude from Mathematics Performance.Migrated from [Students.ak_MAPerformance]. |
migrant | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Migrant (Title IC) Eligible. Migrated from [Students.ak_migrant]. |
MigrantOct1 | 16.9.6 | Varchar2(1) | October 1 Migrant Ed Approved Count |
OptOutAMYA | 15.1.0 | Boolean | Opt Out Student from AMYA. |
record_notes | | Varchar2(500) | Notes. Migrated from [Students.ak_record_notes]. |
Section504 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | 504 Plan Participant. Migrated from [Students.ak_504]. |
single_parent | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Single Parent. Migrated from [Students.ak_single_parent]. |
SPEDOnly | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | SPED Student Only. Migrated from [Students.ak_SPEDOnly]. |
suffix | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(15) | Suffix. Migrated from [Students.ak_suffix]. |
tech_prep | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Tech Prep 1. Migrated from [Students.ak_tech_prep]. |
tech_prep2 | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Tech Prep 2. Migrated from [Students.ak_tech_prep2]. |
title_ia | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Title IA Student. Migrated from [Students.ak_title_ia]. |
transfer_ge | 15.7.0 | Varchar2(5) | Transfer to General Education. Migrated from [Students.ak_transfer_ge]. |
transfer_ge_date | 15.7.0 | Date | Transfer to General Education Date. Migrated from [Students.ak_transfer_ge_date]. |
Unaccompanied | 14.6.0 | Varchar2(1) | Unaccompanied Homeless Youth. |
Grade9_Algebra | 18.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | Grade 9 Algebra student override for participation rate |
RaEl | 22.3.2 | Varchar2(1) | Recently Arrived English Learner |
ATIoverride | | Varchar(6) | Teacher identification number override field |
Early_Education_Program | | Number(11) | Early Education Program |
Non_Progression_Reason | | Number(11) | Non-progression Reason |
Reasons_Progressed | | Number(11) | Reasons Progressed |
Read_Skills_Demonstrated | | Number(11) | Reading Skills Demonstrated |
Read_Deficiency_Actions | | Number(11) | Reading Deficiency Actions |
Mid_Year_Progression | | Number(11) | Mid-year Progression |