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S_AK_LOG_X (ver 15.7.0)

This is an extension of the Log table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key

Bullying_TypeID17.8.0Number(10,0)The type of bullying that occurred.
ConsequenceAssignedBy17.8.0Varchar2(100)The name of the school personnel who assigned the disciplinary action.
Consequence_Start_Date17.8.0DateThe start date of the student's disciplinary action.
Consequence_Return_Date17.8.0DateThe end date of the student's disciplinary action.
CRDC_Bullying17.8.0Varchar2(40)The student's bullying, harassment, or intimidation offense.
Disability_Code17.8.0Varchar2(2)The student's disability code.
Discipline_Mod17.8.0Varchar2(1)An indicator of whether the disciplinary action was modified.
Discipline_Mod_Length17.8.0Number(25,10)The final, actual length of time the student was removed from a regular education setting.
Discipline_Mod_Consequence17.8.0Varchar2(80)The disciplinary action taken.
Educational_Services17.8.0Varchar2(1)An indicator of whether the student received educational services during the expulsion.
Grade_Level17.8.0Number(10,0)The student's grade level. 




Student With Disabilities. Migrated from [Logs.ak_handicapping_conditions].

Hearing_Officer_Removal17.8.0Varchar2(1)An indicator of whether a student with a disability was removed from his/her current educational placement to an appropriate interim alternative educational setting for no more than 45 school days by a hearing officer or the IEP team.




IEP. Migrated from [Logs.ak_IEP].

Incident_Date17.8.0DateThe date of the offense which led to the student's suspension/expulsion.
IncidentID17.9.0Number(10,0)The ID of the Incident.
Incident_Number17.8.0Number(10,0)Not used.
Interim_Setting17.8.0Varchar2(160)The name of the Interim Alternative Educational Setting that the student with a disability was removed to as a result of this incident.
LEPCode17.8.0Varchar2(5)The student's English Language Learner code.
ModifiedOtherDesc17.9.0Varchar2(250)A description of the disciplinary action taken.
NonWeapon_ID17.8.0Number(10,0)The non-weapon infractions involved in this incident.
NumberVictims17.8.0Number(10,0)Not used.
OtherDesc17.9.0Varchar2(250)A description of the disciplinary action.
Other_NonWeapon_Description17.8.0Varchar2(160)A description of non-weapon violation.
Other_Weapon_Description17.8.0Varchar2(160)A description of the weapon violation.
Parent_Contacted17.8.0Number(1,0)An indicator of whether the parent was contacted in the suspension/expulsion process.
Physical_Injury17.8.0Varchar2(1)An indicator of whether one or more students, school personnel, or other person on the school grounds required professional medical attention due to the offense.
Return_Date17.8.0DateThe end date of the student's suspension/expulsion.
SchoolArrest17.9.0Number(1,0)An idicator of whether the offense led to a school-related arrest.
SpEdIndicator17.9.0Varchar2(1)An indicator of whether the student is a special education student.
SusExpRecord17.9.0Number(1,0)Indicates this record was entered via the State Discipline Tracking interface.
TransferRequest17.8.0Number(10,0)The number of student victims who requested to be transferred to a new education setting as a direct result of the incident.
TransferRequestCompleted17.8.0Number(10,0)The number of student victims who were transferred to a new educational setting as a direct result of the transfer request.
Unilateral_Removal17.8.0Varchar2(1)An indicator of whether a student with a disability was removed from his/her current educational placement to an appropriate interim alternative educational setting for no more than 45 school days by school personnel (not by a hearing officer or the IEP team).
Weapon_Code17.8.0Varchar2(10)The student's weapon code violation.
Weapon_ID17.8.0Number(10,0)The ID of the weapon used.
ZeroTolerance17.9.0Number(1,0)An indicator of whether the student was expelled due to a zero tolerance issue.
CRDC_Harass_RelAffiliation22.1.2.0Varchar2(2)CRDC Perceived Religion
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