This is required when a section is updated and must be synchronized.
PASI Data Element | PowerSchool [Table]Field | Data Type |
courseCodes | [Course]Alt_Course_Number | Text |
creditsOffered | [Course]Credit_Hours | Review Variable Credit |
deliverySchedule | [S_AB_SEC_X]CourseCmpFunSch | Text |
description | Derived <Course.Section> - <Course_Name from Courses> | Text |
effectiveUtc | Managed by PASI | Text |
endDate | [Sections]TermID | Text |
instructionalLanguage | [S_AB_SEC_X]InstrLanguage | Text |
instructionalMinutesOffered | Blank | Text |
isDeleted | Derived when section is deleted. | Text |
localSectionId | [Sections]ID | Text |
pasiCoreVersion | Managed by PASI | Text |
primaryDeliveryMethod | [S_AB_SEC_X]PrimaryDeliveryMethod | Text |
refId | Managed by Plugin | Text |
schoolCode | [Sections]SchoolID | Text |
schoolYear | [Sections]TermID | Text |
sectionTerm | [Sections]TermID, [S_TRMS_X]AlternateTermCode | Text |
startDate | [Sections]TermID | Text |