S_AB_STU_X (ver 17.3.0)
This table is an extension of the Students table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 17.3.0 | NUMBER(10,0) | Primary Key |
AcademicSkill | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | Level of academic skill met. Migrated from [Students.AB_Acad_Skl]. |
AKAGivenName | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(50) | Other first name of the student. Note: UI field label changed from Alias to Other ver 18.11.0. Migrated from [Students.AB_AKA_Given_Names]. |
AKAIsExact | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | No longer used as of ver 18.11.0. Student's AKA name is exact. Migrated from [Students.AB_AKA_IsExact]. |
AKAMiddleName | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(50) | Other middle name of the student. Note Migrated from [Students.AB_AKA_MiddleName]. |
AKASuffix | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(15) | Other name suffix of the student Note: UI field label changed from Alias to Other ver 18.11.0. |
AKASurname | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(50) | Other last name of the student Note: UI field label changed from Alias to Other ver 18.11.0. Migrated from [Students.AB_AKA_Surname]. |
Citizenship | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(10) | Citizenship status of the student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Citizenship]. |
CitizenshipEffectiveDt | 17.5.0 | Date | Effective date of the citizenship status. |
DeceasedDt | 17.3.0 | Date | Date of death for a deceased student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Deceased_Dt]. |
DeceasedStatus | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | Deceased status of the student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Deceased_Status]. |
DocIssueDt | 17.3.0 | Date | Date the identification document was issued. Migrated from [Students.AB_Doc_Issue_Dt]. |
DocNumber | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(4) | Last four digits/characters of document number used to validate the identity of the student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Doc_Number]. |
DocType | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(50) | Document used to validate the identity of the student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Doc_Type]. |
ELAGrade | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(2) | Grade level in which ELA is introduced. Migrated from [Students.AB_ELA_Grade]. |
EnrlType1 | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(3) | Enrollment Type Code 1 of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Enrl_Type_1]. |
EnrlType2 | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(3) | Enrollment Type Code 2 of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Enrl_Type_2]. |
EnrlType3 | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(3) | Enrollment Type Code 3 of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Enrl_Type_3]. |
FNMI | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(3) | First Nation/Metis Inuit (FNMI) Code of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_FNMI]. |
FoundSkill | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | Level of foundational skill met. Migrated from [Students.AB_Found_Skl]. |
FrenchHours | 17.3.0 | Number(11,0) | French instructional hours of the student's current enrollment, if any. Migrated from [Students.AB_Fren_Hrs_Cal]. |
GrantsProgram1 | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(3) | Grants Program Code 1 of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Grants_Program_1]. |
GrantsProgram2 | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(3) | Grants Program Code 2 of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Grants_Program_2]. |
GrantsProgram3 | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(3) | Grants Program Code 3 of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Grants_Program_3]. |
IsExact | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | Student's legal name is exact. Migrated from [Students.AB_Name_IsExact]. |
IsListable | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | Phone number is listable. Migrated from [Students.AB_IsListable]. |
LifeSkill | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | Level of life skill met. Migrated from [Students.AB_Life_Skl]. |
MailingEffectiveDt | 17.3.0 | Date | Effective date of the preferred mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Mailing_Effective_Dt]. |
MailingExpiryDt | 17.3.0 | Date | Expiry date of the preferred mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Mailing_Expiry_Dt]. |
PasiSync | 18.2.0 | Boolean | Indicates if NWT student is synchronized with PASI. |
PermanentCity | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(60) | City of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_City]. |
PermanentCountry | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(60) | Country of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_Country]. |
PermanentEffectiveDt | 17.3.0 | Date | Effective date of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_Effective_Dt]. |
PermanentExpiryDt | 17.3.0 | Date | Expiry date of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_Expiry_Dt]. |
PermanentPostalCode | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(10) | Postal code of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_Postal_Code]. |
PermanentProvince | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(20) | Province of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_Province]. |
PermanentStreet | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(140) | Street, apartment and/or suite of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_Street]. |
PhoneEffectiveDt | 17.3.0 | Date | Effective date of the preferred phone number. Migrated from [Students.AB_Phone_Effective_Dt]. |
PhoneExpiryDt | 17.3.0 | Date | Expiry date of the preferred phone number. Migrated from [Students.AB_Phone_Expiry_Dt]. |
PhoneExt | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(7) | Extension of the preferred phone, if any. Migrated from [Students.AB_PhoneExt]. |
PhoneType | 17.10.0 | Varchar2(10) | Indicates the type of phone number. |
PreferredNameInd | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(10) | Legal or Other name is preferred. Migrated from [Students.AB_PreferredNameInd]. |
ProtectedStatus | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | Protection status of the student's disclosure restriction. Migrated from [Students.AB_Protected_Status]. |
ProtectedUnder | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(5) | Act under which protection is ordered for the student's disclosure restriction, if applicable. Migrated from [Students.AB_Protected_Under]. |
ProtectionEffectiveDt | 17.3.0 | Date | Effective date of the student's disclosure restriction. Migrated from [Students.AB_Protection_Effective]. |
ProtectionExpiryDt | 17.3.0 | Date | Expiry date of the student's disclosure restriction. Migrated from [Students.AB_Protection_Expiry]. |
ProtectionRestrictions | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(250) | Details of the student's disclosure restriction. Migrated from [Students.AB_Protection_Restrictions]. |
RecordStatus | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(20) | Add/Edit/Delete status of a transaction on the student's demographic information. Migrated from [Students.AB_Record_Status]. |
RegistrationType | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | Registration type of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Regi_Type]. |
ResidentBoard | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(4) | Board in which the student's is a resident other than the current school board. Migrated from [Students.AB_Resident_Board]. |
RestrictionType | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(50) | Restriction Type of the student's disclosure restriction. Migrated from [Students.AB_Restriction_Type]. |
Section23Eligibility | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(10) | Section 23 eligibility status of the student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Section_23_Eligi]. |
SpclEduStu1 | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(2) | Special Education Code 1 (Exception Code 1) of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Spcl_Edu_Stu_1]. |
SpclEduStu2 | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(2) | Special Education Code 2 (Exception Code 2) of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Spcl_Edu_Stu_2]. |
StuAuthExpDt | 17.3.0 | Date | Expiry date of the authorization permit of a foreign student that is a temporary resident. Migrated from [Students.AB_Stu_Auth_Exp_Dt]. |
Suffix | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(15) | Legal name suffix of the student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Suffix]. |
SchProvidedProgPercentage | 18.11.0 | Number(11,0) | Percentage of program provided by school for student's enrollment. |
LanguageSpokenAtHome | | Varchar2(100) | Language spoken at home. |
DocumentRefId | | Varchar2(36) | Document reference ID. |
MailingCountry | | Varchar2(60) | Country of the Preferred Mailing Address. |
MailingProvince | | Varchar2(50) | Province for the International Address in Preferred Mailing Address. |
PROGRAMMINGTYPE | 22.7.1 | VARCHAR2(100 CHAR) | The Programming Type of the registration. |
PROGRAMMINGTIMEFRAME | 22.7.1 | VARCHAR2(100 CHAR) | The Programming Timeframe of the registration. |
EXITDATETYPE | 22.7.1 | VARCHAR2(100 CHAR) | The exit date Type of the registration. |
GUARDIANREFID | 22.7.1 | Number(11,0) | iD of the Guardian related to the Student. |
GUARDIANCITIZENSHIPSTATUS | 22.7.1 | Varchar2(1) | Citizenship status of a guardian of the Student. |
PHONEREFID | 22.7.1 | NUMBER(11,0) | The unique identifier for the primary phone record |
PHONEORGCODE | 22.7.1 | NUMBER(11,0) | The organization code used in caller info of primary phone submission |
PHONEEXPIRED | 22.7.1 | NUMBER(1) | Expired flag |
PHONEPREFERRED | 22.7.1 | NUMBER(1) | Preferred flag |
PHONEWHOMODIFIED | 22.7.1 | VARCHAR2(100 CHAR) | The user string that determines if DCF event should be created for primary phone |
ADDRESSFORMAT | 22.7.1 | VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) | The format of primary address |
ADDRESSTYPE | 22.7.1 | VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) | The type of primary address |
ADDRESSEXPIRYDATEOVERRIDE | 22.7.1 | DATE | The date the primary address is no longer in effect. The expiry date is derived taking into account this value |
ADDRESSLATITUDE | 22.7.1 | NUMBER(25,10) | The Latitude of the primary address. Latitude values are expected in decimal format and bounded by +/- 90. |
ADDRESSLONGITUDE | 22.7.1 | NUMBER(25,10) | The Longitude of the primary address. Longitude values are expected in decimal format and bounded by +/- 180. |
ADDRESSREFID | 22.7.1 | NUMBER(11,0) | The unique identifier for the primary address record |
ADDRESSORGCODE | 22.7.1 | NUMBER(11,0) | The organization code used in caller info of primary address submission |
ADDRESSWHOMODIFIED | 22.7.1 | VARCHAR2(100 CHAR) | The user string that determines if DCF event should be created for primary address |
ADDRESSSTREET | 22.7.1 | VARCHAR2(140 CHAR) | The street of the primary address. |