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S_AB_STU_X (ver 17.3.0)

This table is an extension of the Students table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key

AcademicSkill17.3.0Varchar2(1)Level of academic skill met. Migrated from [Students.AB_Acad_Skl].


Varchar2(50)Other first name of the student. Note: UI field label changed from Alias to Other ver 18.11.0. Migrated from [Students.AB_AKA_Given_Names].


Varchar2(1)No longer used as of ver 18.11.0. Student's AKA name is exact. Migrated from [Students.AB_AKA_IsExact].


Varchar2(50)Other middle name of the student. Note Migrated from [Students.AB_AKA_MiddleName].


Varchar2(15)Other name suffix of the student Note: UI field label changed from Alias to Other ver 18.11.0.


Varchar2(50)Other last name of the student Note: UI field label changed from Alias to Other ver 18.11.0. Migrated from [Students.AB_AKA_Surname].
Citizenship17.3.0Varchar2(10)Citizenship status of the student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Citizenship].
CitizenshipEffectiveDt17.5.0DateEffective date of the citizenship status.


DateDate of death for a deceased student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Deceased_Dt].
DeceasedStatus17.3.0Varchar2(1)Deceased status of the student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Deceased_Status].
DocIssueDt17.3.0DateDate the identification document was issued. Migrated from [Students.AB_Doc_Issue_Dt].
DocNumber17.3.0Varchar2(4)Last four digits/characters of document number used to validate the identity of the student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Doc_Number].
DocType17.3.0Varchar2(50)Document used to validate the identity of the student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Doc_Type].
ELAGrade17.3.0Varchar2(2)Grade level in which ELA is introduced. Migrated from [Students.AB_ELA_Grade].
EnrlType117.3.0Varchar2(3)Enrollment Type Code 1 of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Enrl_Type_1].
EnrlType217.3.0Varchar2(3)Enrollment Type Code 2 of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Enrl_Type_2].
EnrlType317.3.0Varchar2(3)Enrollment Type Code 3 of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Enrl_Type_3].
FNMI17.3.0Varchar2(3)First Nation/Metis Inuit (FNMI) Code of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_FNMI].
FoundSkill17.3.0Varchar2(1)Level of foundational skill met. Migrated from [Students.AB_Found_Skl].
FrenchHours17.3.0Number(11,0)French instructional hours of the student's current enrollment, if any. Migrated from [Students.AB_Fren_Hrs_Cal].
GrantsProgram117.3.0Varchar2(3)Grants Program Code 1 of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Grants_Program_1].
GrantsProgram217.3.0Varchar2(3)Grants Program Code 2 of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Grants_Program_2].
GrantsProgram317.3.0Varchar2(3)Grants Program Code 3 of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Grants_Program_3].
IsExact17.3.0Varchar2(1)Student's legal name is exact. Migrated from [Students.AB_Name_IsExact].
IsListable17.3.0Varchar2(1)Phone number is listable. Migrated from [Students.AB_IsListable].
LifeSkill17.3.0Varchar2(1)Level of life skill met. Migrated from [Students.AB_Life_Skl].
MailingEffectiveDt17.3.0DateEffective date of the preferred mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Mailing_Effective_Dt].
MailingExpiryDt17.3.0DateExpiry date of the preferred mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Mailing_Expiry_Dt].
PasiSync18.2.0BooleanIndicates if NWT student is synchronized with PASI.
PermanentCity17.3.0Varchar2(60)City of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_City].
PermanentCountry17.3.0Varchar2(60)Country of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_Country].
PermanentEffectiveDt17.3.0DateEffective date of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_Effective_Dt].
PermanentExpiryDt17.3.0DateExpiry date of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_Expiry_Dt].
PermanentPostalCode17.3.0Varchar2(10)Postal code of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_Postal_Code].
PermanentProvince17.3.0Varchar2(20)Province of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_Province].
PermanentStreet17.3.0Varchar2(140)Street, apartment and/or suite of the International/permanent mailing address. Migrated from [Students.AB_Permanent_Street].
PhoneEffectiveDt17.3.0DateEffective date of the preferred phone number. Migrated from [Students.AB_Phone_Effective_Dt].
PhoneExpiryDt17.3.0DateExpiry date of the preferred phone number. Migrated from [Students.AB_Phone_Expiry_Dt].
PhoneExt17.3.0Varchar2(7)Extension of the preferred phone, if any. Migrated from [Students.AB_PhoneExt].
PhoneType17.10.0Varchar2(10)Indicates the type of phone number.
PreferredNameInd17.3.0Varchar2(10)Legal or Other name is preferred. Migrated from [Students.AB_PreferredNameInd].
ProtectedStatus17.3.0Varchar2(1)Protection status of the student's disclosure restriction. Migrated from [Students.AB_Protected_Status].
ProtectedUnder17.3.0Varchar2(5)Act under which protection is ordered for the student's disclosure restriction, if applicable. Migrated from [Students.AB_Protected_Under].
ProtectionEffectiveDt17.3.0DateEffective date of the student's disclosure restriction. Migrated from [Students.AB_Protection_Effective].
ProtectionExpiryDt17.3.0DateExpiry date of the student's disclosure restriction. Migrated from [Students.AB_Protection_Expiry].
ProtectionRestrictions17.3.0Varchar2(250)Details of the student's disclosure restriction. Migrated from [Students.AB_Protection_Restrictions].
RecordStatus17.3.0Varchar2(20)Add/Edit/Delete status of a transaction on the student's demographic information. Migrated from [Students.AB_Record_Status].
RegistrationType17.3.0Varchar2(1)Registration type of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Regi_Type].
ResidentBoard17.3.0Varchar2(4)Board in which the student's is a resident other than the current school board. Migrated from [Students.AB_Resident_Board].
RestrictionType17.3.0Varchar2(50)Restriction Type of the student's disclosure restriction. Migrated from [Students.AB_Restriction_Type].
Section23Eligibility17.3.0Varchar2(10)Section 23 eligibility status of the student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Section_23_Eligi].
SpclEduStu117.3.0Varchar2(2)Special Education Code 1 (Exception Code 1) of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Spcl_Edu_Stu_1].
SpclEduStu217.3.0Varchar2(2)Special Education Code 2 (Exception Code 2) of the student's current enrollment. Migrated from [Students.AB_Spcl_Edu_Stu_2].
StuAuthExpDt17.3.0DateExpiry date of the authorization permit of a foreign student that is a temporary resident. Migrated from [Students.AB_Stu_Auth_Exp_Dt].
Suffix17.3.0Varchar2(15)Legal name suffix of the student. Migrated from [Students.AB_Suffix].
SchProvidedProgPercentage18.11.0Number(11,0)Percentage of program provided by school for student's enrollment.
LanguageSpokenAtHome19.12.1.0Varchar2(100)Language spoken at home.
DocumentRefId19.12.1.0Varchar2(36)Document reference ID.
MailingCountry19.12.1.0Varchar2(60)Country of the Preferred Mailing Address.
MailingProvince19.12.1.0Varchar2(50)Province for the International Address in Preferred Mailing Address.
PROGRAMMINGTYPE22.7.1VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)The Programming Type of the registration.
PROGRAMMINGTIMEFRAME22.7.1VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)The Programming Timeframe of the registration.
EXITDATETYPE22.7.1VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)The exit date Type of the registration.
GUARDIANREFID22.7.1Number(11,0)iD of the Guardian related to the Student.
GUARDIANCITIZENSHIPSTATUS22.7.1Varchar2(1)Citizenship status of a guardian of the Student.
PHONEREFID22.7.1NUMBER(11,0)The unique identifier for the primary phone record
PHONEORGCODE22.7.1NUMBER(11,0)The organization code used in caller info of primary phone submission
PHONEEXPIRED22.7.1NUMBER(1)Expired flag
PHONEPREFERRED22.7.1NUMBER(1)Preferred flag
PHONEWHOMODIFIED22.7.1VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)The user string that determines if DCF event should be created for primary phone
ADDRESSFORMAT22.7.1VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)The format of primary address
ADDRESSTYPE22.7.1VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)The type of primary address
ADDRESSEXPIRYDATEOVERRIDE22.7.1DATEThe date the primary address is no longer in effect. The expiry date is derived taking into account this value
ADDRESSLATITUDE22.7.1NUMBER(25,10)The Latitude of the primary address. Latitude values are expected in decimal format and bounded by +/- 90.
ADDRESSLONGITUDE22.7.1NUMBER(25,10)The Longitude of the primary address. Longitude values are expected in decimal format and bounded by +/- 180.
ADDRESSREFID22.7.1NUMBER(11,0)The unique identifier for the primary address record
ADDRESSORGCODE22.7.1NUMBER(11,0)The organization code used in caller info of primary address submission
ADDRESSWHOMODIFIED22.7.1VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)The user string that determines if DCF event should be created for primary address
ADDRESSSTREET22.7.1VARCHAR2(140 CHAR)The street of the primary address.
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